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    Malik's Muwatta


    Table of Contents for Malik's Muwatta



    Book 001 - The Times of Prayer

    Book 002 - Purity

    Book 003 - Prayer

    Book 004 - Forgetfulness in Prayer

    Book 005 - Jumu'a

    Book 006 - Prayer in Ramadan

    Book 007 - Tahajjud

    Book 008 - Prayer in Congregation

    Book 009 - Shortening the Prayer

    Book 010 - The Two 'Ids

    Book 011 - The Fear Prayer

    Book 012 - The Eclipse Prayer

    Book 013 - Asking for Rain

    Book 014 - The Qibla

    Book 015 - The Qur'an

    Book 016 - Burials

    Book 017 - Zakat

    Book 018 - Fasting

    Book 019 - I'tikaf in Ramadan

    Book 020 - Hajj

    Book 021 - Jihad

    Book 022 - Vows and Oaths

    Book 023 - Sacrificial Animals

    Book 024 - Slaughtering Animals

    Book 025 - Game

    Book 026 - The 'Aqiqa

    Book 027 - Fara'id

    Book 028 - Marriage

    Book 029 - Divorce

    Book 030 - Suckling

    Book 031 - Business Transactions

    Book 032 - Qirad

    Book 033 - Sharecropping

    Book 034 - Renting Land

    Book 035 - Pre-emption in Property

    Book 036 - Judgements

    Book 037 - Wills and Testaments

    Book 038 - Setting Free and Wala'

    Book 039 - The Mukatab

    Book 040 - Hudud

    Book 041 - The Mudabbar

    Book 042 - Drinks

    Book 043 - Blood-Money

    Book 044 - The Oath of Qasama

    Book 045 - Madina

    Book 046 - The Decree

    Book 047 - Good Character

    Book 048 - Dress

    Book 049 - The Description of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace

    Book 050 - The Evil Eye

    Book 051 - Hair

    Book 052 - Visions

    Book 053 - Greetings

    Book 054 - General Subjects

    Book 055 - The Oath of Allegiance

    Book 056 - Speech

    Book 057 - Jahannam

    Book 058 - Sadaqa

    Book 059 - Knowledge

    Book 060 - The Supplication of the Unjustly Wronged

    Book 061 - The Names of the Prophet, may Allah Bless Him and Grant Him Peace


    Malik's Muwatta ("the well-trodden path") is a collection of two items:

    • the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (also known as the sunnah). The reports of the Prophet's sayings and deeds are called ahadith.
    • the legal opinions and decisions of the Prophet's Companions, their successors, and some later authorities.

    Malik (full name Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abu Amir Al-Asbahi) was born in 93 A.H. and died in 179 A.H. He lived most of his life in Madinah, the city in which the Prophet (pbuh) settled in. He was a preeminent scholar of Islam, and is the originator of the Maliki judicial school of thought. He is reputed to have had over one thousand students. During Malik's lifetime, he steadily revised his Muwatta, so it reflects over forty years of his learning and knowledge. It contains a few thousand hadith.

    It is important to realize, however, that Malik's collection is not complete: there are other scholars who worked as Malik did and collected other reports.


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    The Holy Quran Quotes

    “Prayer (Salat) is the most important practice in Islam. Allah has ordered the Muslims to be mindful of it. The Holy Qur'an says:"Guard strictly your prayers, especially the Middle Prayer, and stand before Allah with all devotion.”

    (Al-Baqarah, 2:238)


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